Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So today I was/am happy.
Thoroughly satisfied with the day.

Brooke stopped by and dropped off "The Awakening". Yay, a new book to finally read!
Then Anjy came over to give me my bento box. Hello Kitty RED. Lovve lovve. Cause pink is for children and icky people. So it's red.
Thought more on my packing list and the menu for the train ride.
Jumped on the trampoline and got more freckles. Saw my lovely Josh! :D
Anjy treated me to Tacobell. Yummmy. I haven't had that in forever. It was delicious!
Then we went to the book store and looked at this cute sex book for a while for shits and giggles. Then decided to go to another books store to just browse. Went to B&N at valley view. Walked around the mall till closing. Saw my lovely Reginald. <33
Then came back home and chilled out on the trampoline till like 10:20.
Washed off feet and hands from trampoline and checked emails.

Sorry, lately I've been out of sorts. Bad times thinking about how I messed something up. =/ BUT hopefully I'm feeling more myself now. Mom gets paid tomorrow so I think we'll go buy milk and bread and that's about all the groceries we can afford.

Then Friday, it's off to Western for six hours. Hope I see more people I know. Josh is taking me so that should be fun. :D Get to annoy my buddy for a while. Then mom's coming at 5 to be in the RCCAP meeting with me. Fun stuff.

Saturday I think I'm just going to chill out. Read some and probably just clean all day. Sunday I'll start to pull down suitcase and travel stuff for trip. Monday I'm going shopping with Anjy for bento ingredients and doing trial cooking thing. Tuesday finalize packing and pull money out of savings for trip. Then Wednesday is "pamper" day. Finger and Toenail repaint and just relax. That night take a nap and then at 3:30AM on Thursday leave for the train station.

Busy busy. :)
Night guys.

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